Former names:
Bisiritcza - 149/50 on Wistricz - 1330 onwards, Wystricza - 1300, Wystricz - 1376 onwards, Ober Weistricz - 1385 onwards, Ober Weistritz.

The history of the village:

The parish church of the Assumption of Our Lady, was mentioned for the first time sources in 1376. From the time of the introduction of the Reformation in 1654, the church served as an evangelical church. Medieval relic, from the XV century building (you know that the bell was founded in the year 1487) is a tower, rebuilt and crowned helmet cebulastym years from 1617. The current structure is from the 1854 church year, the church was renovated in 1955, rebuilt in 1985, Outside the church built a team of interesting tombstones near the sixteenth and seventeenth century

From 1654 the parish belonged to an evangelical church in Swidnica. 17 June 1742 Bystrica upper years, belonging to the prince, received a royal concession to the evangelical church erected. 11 years in January 1743 was appointed pastor at the Upper Bystrica , Christian Klische. current preacher to the castle in Książ. Non-Lutheran church was erected a wooden structure, renovated and decorated in 1842 years, was located in zakolu Bystrica, on its right bank, at the parish cemetery (the cemetery evangelical commune in 1884 issued a bell tower with three bells). On the opposite side of the road was a monument to rural poległym in the war Franco-Russian than in the p lalach 1870-1871.

Upper Bystrica was mentioned in documents as early as 1,149 years. From 1,461 years are known to the owners of the village - the von Seydlitz family; Heinze Sandmann (1567 onwards), David (1579 onwards), Abraham (1582), the Tymotheus (1568 onwards).

In the year 1583 the property in Upper Bystrzycy with Omiecinami and  already Schlesienhal towns and Launschdorf bought Wiglas von Schindel (the tower erected at the church, founded bells). In the year 1607 and the lower farm. Hubenvorverk "has a certain von Schaf. In the year 1624 after the death of Wigiasa von Schindel  occurred between his sons: Carl, who took Omieciny and Schlesienhal, George Rudolf I, who inherited the Bystrica and Lubachów. Wiglasa Younger, who came out for the Burkatow and Hildebrand and Gottfried, who inherited his father's good being in the Duchy of Legnica. sold the goods covered by Carl Georg brother Rudolf I, 9 July 1652 year. Wiglas younger years in 1678 from his home with szwagierki von Gellhorn bought the good of the Duchy of Legnica Friedrichsdorf and together with the Burkatowem sold Jacobowi Ernstowi von Treuenfels. Georg Rudolf I von Schindel acquired in addition Bojanice. After his death the property was divided between the sons of the marriage of Barbara Baroness Helena von Hochberg: Hans Wiglas received Bojanice, while Georg Rudolf II inherited Bystrica, Lubachów, Omieciny and Schlesienhal. After the death of Georg Rudolf II in 1723 included the benefit of years after the widow Amalia Dorothea. that because of the infancy sons, Rudolf Friedrich, George III and Christian Rudolf Rudolph established curators property: Conrad Ernst Maximiliána Hochberg from Książ Siegismunda and Hans von Czettntz of New Court. In 1730 years with all the property over the goods Georg Rudolf III. In 1735 a good year for 90 thousand talarów acquired Ernst Maximilian Conrad von Hochberg. The transaction was concluded in Swidnica 27.III.l735 years. After his death, passed on the good son of Carl Heinrich Ludwig von Hochberg , who died in 1755 without progeny year. His property in the year 1757 inherited his sister Eleonora von Murdach. After her death in 1766 a good year it took over Joachim grandson Alexander von Maltzan, who 10 years in January 1795 sold the assets Christophowi Count Carl von Pückler with Jedliny. Until World War n the property in Upper Bystrica with Lubachów and now non-existent village Schlesierthal family remains in the hands of Pückler-Burghaus from the year 1812 was the owner of Erdmann August, from 1,843 years Kari Alexander. In the years 1870-1898 he was the owner of the king's chamberlain solicitor and landowner Carl Pückler, owner of entailment set in the years 1902-1917 was Heinrich von Pückler, for the period 1920-1937, Count Karl von Pückler with Grodźca.

In 1576, the village had 27 peasants, in 1785 15 "kmieci", 12 "zagrodników" and 24 "chałupników". The description is Zimmermann confirmed the existence in the Upper Bystrzycy two parish houses, two schools (in 1752, he was building a new school built Evangelical), the farm, the mill water (also called "Kardinenmühle). In 1830 years there was, moreover, in the village belonging to the Dominion brewery, mill paper, brick factory, iron foundry, two tunnels lead and silver, royal chamber of duty. In the year 1845 in the village of 40 households was tkalni cotton and 5 tkalni flax.

Spatial arrangement of the village:
Upper Bystrica ulicową village is set up in the valley of the river Bystrica. This is a spa town. After the north-western side of the road and the river on the slopes of hills is the old school building for a household of girls, before the war led by the sisters Urszulanki where currently there is a children's home, church team, and placed under the assumption of the vast palace park. On the opposite side of the river continues down the railway line Swidnica Kraszowice-Jedlina which, together with numerous przepustami, wiaduktami and bridges is an important element of a landscape.

Around the church is founded przykościelny cemetery surrounded by a stone wall, which is located east of the gateway connecting poewangelicką part, closed, as shown on the outside wall, founded after 1945 in the park przypaliæ owe it to the parish cemetery. Once outside of the church wall - old protective lime.

The palace buildings and Folwarczna from about pot. Nineteenth century in the east of the headquarters are located in the center of the village, where the valley broadens. The palace was built in the XVII century (as shown by the preserved cellars), the current block is from the palace about half of the nineteenth century, after the war was followed by a thorough reconstruction of the residence. Current smoking is founded on a similar wave of letters "L", four, from the side of the courtyard is circular staircase, covered flat roof. After the Second World War the property was used by upaństwowiony and PGR. The palace served as a holiday home in 70 years was used by the ZOZ Świebodzicach, then by ZOZ in Swidnica and served as a sanatorium. Today the palace is located in a special school and primary-school education center. At the courtyard of the palace was originally a fountain. Park extends to the east of the buildings folwarcznych, and is bordered to the west of the church team. Former composition of the valuable old park has been preserved in the place of the former was founded Polany playground. Park. passed on the north boundary in the area of natural forest.

The center of the village, on the south-eastern side of the road from now partly dismantled railway track and the river is derived from the late nineteenth century, a team from Villa Park. The villa is situated on the slope leading down steeply towards the river. The building is a classic example of Villa suhurbana set up on a regular, symmetrical wave, dwukondygnacyjny wings and body are covered by separate roofs czterospadowymi. In the garden from the south-east there are not elements of the former composition. Industry in the park, from which the central meadow led to the villa stairs. In this part of the park formed terrace. Opened parish cemetery is located on the south side of the road in the eastern part of the village, to a certain away from buildings. At the cemetery there is a sepulchral chapel of the house of a family of Pückler (naczółku is in the arms of the house). At the cemetery near the chapel, there are tombstones Hermann von Limburg Pückier who died in 1902 and his son, Marten Pückier who died in 1910,

Today the role of Bystrzycy merely to be "bedroom" for Swidnica and Wałbrzych. There also a number of agro-tourism farms, shops in the greater degree of food with a little bit everyday. Former "Metalplast" ceased to exist on its former territory was several small industrial plants and components.

For the spirit we have a working health clinics, primary skole, a special plant-educational school, the child's house, the house of culture and historical Church.

Why Bystrzyca by passing through a good stop for a moment? If only to draw incredibly fresh air, listen to the river at uspokajaceg noise akompaniamecie wind in the crowns of trees, look in the eye relief on the wall of the church, which niebywalym peace and wisdom are looking to the dal, tacitly covering in the mysteries of time past.
Location G. Bystrzycy makes the perfect base is the remaining part of the Sudetes and their attractions. You can also stay little longer and enjoy our  Bystrzyca surrounding forest from all sides.



Willa Justynka Bystrzyca Górnanoclegi Bystrzyca Górnanoclegi



Paweł Karkuszewski
Bystrzyca Górna 42a
58-114 Lubachów
tel. 074 850-99-59
tel.kom ‭533 764 527